
PART 1: Begin to brainstorm how you plan to incorporate other media into your final essay. Include links and/or descriptions of media that you hope to use in your final essay and describe how these choices will work with your alphabetic text to better communicate your overall idea. Finally, attempt to label each source and briefly mention how you will go about correctly citing these sources in your Works Cited section.

In my essay I want to incorperate 2 different types of modes of learning. I want to use visual as in a picture, and or painting. I’m also going to contribute with some audio. For my audio I’m going to add music to a certain picture. This picture is going to be either described as beautiful to others and I want to see if the music can change to affects on things. Letting us prove that multiple factors do contribute in beauty. Then I’m going to incorporate one of my fellow classmates Art projects in to justify my essay.