Blog 6

My goal to revision my paper to make it better is to reread it. I’m going to go over the comments from my Peer group, and going to take their advise in editing my prompt to make it less of a summery. Also, the brought up a good point about how I was missing a bunch of important information. Like how I forgot to continuing talking about why artist’s are easy replaceable. Or even the fact that I completely ignored the fact that I was suppose to put a certain statement about a girl falling in the water. So, with my revision process I’m going to revisit my essay about six more times going over what needs to be changed. Just like the fact that some sentences are harder to understand than the others. So, I’m going to change it so people will get a better understanding of what I am saying, making it easier for the reader to connect to my writing. My biggest challenge here is that I have a hard time being confident in my writing. I also, never understand the certain formation of entire essay. My challenge is to become more confident and less summarizing these points that I am trying to make. If the challenge is too difficult for me to achieve I will ask for some help. I will ask my peers for specific things to help me become a better writer. If they can not help me I will go see my professor and be open for criticism. I will keep working on my Prompt till I am completely a hundred percent confident with my argument and what I am trying to prove the importance of Art. If all else fails I will probably go through my class books. Like the Little Seagull to help me shape my prompt.

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