Blog 1

After reading Rhys Southan’s article, Is Art a Waste of Time?, I can’t help but feel a little confused on his true feelings. I’ve noticed that he talks about how he wanted to be a film writer, but didn’t complete his dream and became a EA. This is his description of an EA, “…working hard to earn money and then giving as much of it as you can to the needy.” (pg. 435) Which I can admit it is a good thing, but I’d much rather do good deeds. Even though he states that it is easier to give money than to actually do good deeds. He suggests that at least giving ten percent of your pay to effective charities. He states, “I find that most of us (EA) seem to ultimately care about something close to the concept of ‘wellbeing’—- we want everyone to be happy and fulfilled, and we promote anything that leads to humans and animals feeling happy and fulfilled…” (Pg. 436) I believe this part of his article is really important due to the fact that not many people understand what an EA is or does. Yet in the article he still talks about finishing his script. To me it kinda confuses me since an EA is about helping people, and writing a script is worthless to them.

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